What is Little Webby Press

Little Webby Press is a Web Application to convert your manuscript into both an eBook and a Website. It helps reduce the friction between writing and publishing, so that you can focus your time and energy into your craft.

You can use it to generate as many books as you want. There is no need for an account because your data never leaves your computer. Since Little Webby Press doesn rely on expensive to scale servers, it can be offered for free.

How it works

The easiest way to understand how Little Webby Press work, is by following along with one of the sample projects we offer. We’re going to explain the whole process of using Little Webby Press by doing a version of Moby Dick.

All that Little Webby Press do is convert your manuscript into the deliverables it supports. It can generate an eBook in EPUB3 format which is compatible with most eReaders and digital bookstores. It also generates a website for your book which you can deploy to your chosen host.